accounting technique

英 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ tekˈniːk] 美 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ tekˈniːk]




  1. The thesis will explore the necessity and significance of dreams writing based on the prospective of accounting technique.
  2. Base on the past experience of practice, the security of accounting with computer operation were increased by the creating technique of system, it could help to extend accounting with computer operation for vast middling-small enterprise.
  3. This paper discusses the way of packet capture network accounting, and analyzes the characteristics of this technique.
  4. The choice of accounting policy demonstrates a kind of technique standard on the surface, but it is not only a simple accounting problem.
  5. Accounting management system nationalization and the accounting information internationalization must integrate organically, and the research technique must unceasingly innovate.
  6. The Network Accounting System with Packet Capturing Technique
  7. Accounting allocation is a procedure which is widely used in financial accounting. With the development of present value technique, interest method will increasingly become one important method of accounting allocation.
  8. Putting into effect computerized accounting, great changes have taken place in the clue, the basis, the contents and technique of auditing.
  9. Accounting for reliability analysis of phased-mission systems, a new modularization technique is presented.
  10. Accounting Technique of Handling Advertising Expense
  11. This article starts with the influence, which the computer accounting system brings to auditing, puts forwards the content and technique of auditing under the circumstances of computer.
  12. This paper analyses the individuality of insurance accounting from three aspects: accounting factor; accounting computing technique and accounting behavior norm.
  13. In the new manufacture environment, the enterprise should have the modern cost accounting technique to adapt with.
  14. Family simple accounting includes the definition of accounting object, the setting of accounting subject and book-keeping technique, the designing and using of accounting books etc.
  15. Finally, we use accounting research technique to study how high dividend policy affects a company's performance in order to understand how the financing question and associated high dividend policy influence company performance.
  16. Accounting to the conditions of upper plate and the base plate of the coal bed, the once-tunneling technique is adopted in the drilling with the whole-anchor-supporting.
  17. Accounting and Charging Technique in the Next Generation Network
  18. Current national business accounting system that is deficient and backward in technique causes excessive consumption and serious waste of resource environment;
  19. Second, the text combines the principle of the law of ABC and introduces the content of homework cost accounting of the logistics and concrete working technique.
  20. Sampling method and accounting of live bacteria were in accordance with the "Technique Regulation of Disinfection" issued by MOH.
  21. While the rapid progress of the networking technology, The Network Provider will enable to offer more and more application service to the users, thus the router in-between the Network Provider and the Service Providers has become a new field that is involved in the accounting technique.
  22. In accordance with these problems, it is suggested that strengthening the research on soil erosion, standardizing accounting indicators, separately accounting in different region, taking discounting technique and 3S technology to improve the accounting results.
  23. The false accounting information is not only the problem of a business technique, but also a typical ethics problem.
  24. Directing towards the requirement of accounting management in the campus networks, the paper researches into relative technique and designs a practical accounting system of campus network.
  25. As accounting for my route-idea and blue-print, I illustrated several main technological aspects on system implement, such as purview control, item risk analysis, individuality technique, and some query and statistic.
  26. Second, this article discusses the equity theory 'influence on and challenge to the accounting theory, accounting technique and accountants' thinking concept.
  27. Otherwise, the author also excellently realizes the general development of data input management program and dynamic computation within one table or tables such as accounting, synthesizing, aggregating by means of database technique for mine.
  28. In this part the author introduce the background of selecting to study in this field, the current situation of accounting treatment in contingencies, and the theory category as well as the research technique of this article. 2.